Just Change
ProjectsJust Change is “a learning circle committed to addressing inequity together,” and was launched in late 2020 through Te Hiko.
Who are we?
The Just Change Learning Circle currently consists of seven community-led projects, approximately 20 “doers” who are leading or involved in the projects, and around 18 “donors” who contribute financially to Just Change. We meet up every two months to share, learn and eat together.
We have been running for a bit over a year and have managed to secure more than $80,000 for community-led innovations. But almost more importantly, we are a group of people from very different communities coming together to bridge the gaps with a strong bridge of respect, care and connection.
The heart of Just Change
- A space where our intergenerational trauma meets our intergenerational privilege
to build…
- a learning circle addressing inequity together
which results in…
- Collabor-action, where two worlds learn, collaborate and make change together
Just Change is an innovative approach to supporting community change and addressing inequity, and we have made a great start in 2021.
Together we have created a space for people on different ends of the financial spectrum to build trust, share knowledge, learn together, come up with options and take action. This enables growth and development and is a unique strength.

Our projects
The seven Just Change projects are at different stages - some have really taken off while others have been slower to get traction, but all projects are contributing and making a positive impact for the people and communities participating. Two of our projects can be thought of as “graduating” in that they will not need additional funding in 2022, although they are likely to stay connected to the Just Change Learning Circle.
In this first year, all seven of our projects are connected to Te Hiko. This will probably change as we grow. Te Hiko will continue to provide backbone support to the projects, and to Just Change - as it is a Te Hiko project itself!
Just Change 2022 looks like
- Growing existing projects
- Adding new projects
- Investing in the potential of individuals
- Opening more pathways between the trauma and privilege spaces
- Nurturing the power of the community and whānau heartWe are learning a lot together

In the Te Hiko whānau: How is this contributing to growing better economic systems and adding value in our communities?
Core to creating better economic systems is to more fairly share resources, and to openly share information and what we are learning. Economic systems that work well have resources and information free to move to where they need to be. These are core parts of Just Change.
By bringing people who are not from the communities we work in together with people who are, we are building opportunities to create connections that are rare. We are also able to more openly share financial and other resources directly to the people who are working to create change in their own communities.